7/12 to 28/12.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Posted by Ah^Yap at 12:19 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Poll: Please choose 1 design where you think it is the BEST!


Posted by Ah^Yap at 4:16 PM 6 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Problem with installing Photoshop CS3
"Please insert Photoshop CS3 to continue installation"
This stupid problem takes me more than 3 hours to solve it. Again, I find countless useful tips in Google to solve my problem. After Google-ing, I found that many Photoshop users facing this problem when they tried to install it. Thank you for online users provide few methods to solve this problem such as:
- Uninstall completely previous photoshop (any single files in your drive including registry need to be deleted)
- Copy the entire file from CD/DVD, and try to instal from your harddisc.
- Reinstall/Format your windows (YES, you have to reinstall your windows! This is ridiculous; I will only try if I can’t find any other better option. Obviously, I didn’t choose this option, if not another 2 hours to solve this problem,haha)
- Create an image CD/DVD file or make a copy of CD/DVD. Beware of the directory structure and name of the CD/DVD. For this, you have to check the setup.xml file resides in the folder called ‘payloads’, open the file with notepad and find the entries like:
"Payload folder="AdobeALMAnchorServiceAll">Adobe CS3<" The words in bold where in my case is ‘Adobe CS3’ is the master folder name for your image CD/DVD file.
After few hours, I found that last option tend to fix my problem. Goshh, it wasted so much time just to install this bloody photoshop.
Posted by Ah^Yap at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I'm back!!!我回来了!!!
Due to overwhelming response, I’m back!!! Sorry for ‘under-contruction’ for so long time, I believe it won’t go for renovation again,haha.
Recently met few friends, asking why I have a blog (I have a blog since year 2006, paiseh paiseh…) but not update frequently. I think I know the answer, it is because I’m very lazy to write type. I know this is not a good excuse, that’s why I’m back. Hope that this time my laziness won’t come so fast so that you all still can see my blog update always.
Lastly, just want to say, “ I’m Back!!!我回来了!!!”.
Posted by Ah^Yap at 12:10 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, April 10, 2006
原来凌晨4点还有很多人还没睡,尤其是final year 的我们,所以在ym还找到几个还在做thesis的朋友呼啦了一会儿。大家都是忙忙忙。现在,我再等什么?等吃点心,哈哈,因为chien yee 从槟城回来了,我们去迎接她,顺道吃点心,yeah!
Posted by Ah^Yap at 4:10 AM 1 comments